Tag Archives: afraid

J is for Jump in!

a-to-z-letters-j“Jump, jump, jump…”

I heard the endless chant rising from the shore. But my sweaty hands death gripped to the railing and my feet remained planted. The most movement that I could muster was a gentle sway back and forth. This obviously seemed to indicate to my audience that I had intentions to actual go through with this stupid idea.

But I didn’t. I couldn’t.

It hadn’t looked that high from down below. I watched the endless stream of people line up to walk the stairs upward; throw their bodies carelessly to the blob below and usually successfully launch the waiting person below.

How hard could that be?

It looked like fun.

I’ll do it if you will I told my sister-in-law. Okay she immediately agreed. And she had jumped.

Now she sat on the edge of the ginormous pillow known as the blob waiting for me to launch her.

The only problem – I was petrified. It hadn’t looked quite so high from down below. But now it looked like it was a mile away.

And where was my husband? My source of strength and encouragement? Leading the crowd on the beach in a frenzied “jump” chant!

I’d like to say that this story had a happy ending and I found the courage to do that what terrified me and I’m a better person for it.

But I didn’t.

I took the chicken exit and climbed down the stairs that are usually only meant for one way use, through the stares of onlookers and tried to unsuccessfully disappear. Ugh!

As if I didn’t know it already, I’m a chicken.

There are other areas of my life that I’m afraid to jump in to as well. As I look at Joshua, I see God’s exhortation to him “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

And I draw some encouragement as I realize that I also don’t need to be afraid since the Lord is with me wherever I go. Prayerfully He won’t ask me to jump off any cliffs, but other than that, I’m good.

How about you – are you jumping or taking the chicken exit?